Automate & Optimize Last-Mile Delivery

Automate & optimize the management of your self-service electric vehicle fleet program with UFOFLEET

Elevate your last-mile delivery program with UFOFLEET

Unlock the power of automation and data-driven insights to transform your fleet operations, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Automate Bookings & Vehicle Access

Streamline reservations & fleet access with UFOFLEET's automation tools, reducing wait times and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Optimize Routes & Energy

Oversee your entire fleet from anywhere & provide real-time charging guidance with UFOFLEET's advanced remote management.

Improve Fleet Utilization

Improve both fleet & charger utilization with UFODRIVE’s automated fleet assignment based on real-time data tracking.

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Transform your delivery operations with UFOFLEET

Harness the power of UFOFLEET's innovative features to minimize driver headaches, optimize charging, enhance security, and streamline fleet management.

Streamlined Self-Service
Offer an intuitive self-service driver experience with UFOFLEET's easy-to-use platform.
Customized Reporting
Benefit from tailored reporting capabilities to monitor and analyze your fleet performance.
Seamless Automation
Implement UFOFLEET's process automation solutions for more efficient and productive operations.

Secure Remote Operations

Enhance the security and reliability of remote fleet management with UFOFLEET's robust solutions and tools.

Satisfied Drivers

Enhance the reservation & vehicle access with a user-friendly platform that streamlines processes and enhances their experience.

Data Visibility for Retailers

Empower retailers with UFOFLEET's data-driven insights, providing visibility into fleet operations and enabling informed decision-making.


Maximize fleet productivity with UFOFLEET's real-time insights and optimization strategies.


Simplify fleet scheduling with an intuitive booking calendar for efficient resource allocation.


Stay informed with operator alerts that notify you of critical fleet updates and events.

Accelerate last-mile delivery operations with UFOFLEET

Boost Sales, Enhance Dealer Satisfaction, and Unlock New Revenue Streams

Smooth Pickup/Drop Off

Offer drivers a frictionless rental experience with UFOFLEET's streamlined platform.

Swift Reservations

Ensure fast and accurate bookings, optimizing the reservation process for better customer satisfaction.

Charge Guidance

Provide drivers with user-friendly EV charge guidance, making charging simple and convenient.

Provide an out of this world EV fleet rental and subscription experience for last mile delivery providers.